Print Scan Thermal Scanners

Live Scan Solutions


A new thermal scanner built to stop the spread.

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What Is FaceScan?

FaceScan is a thermal scanner built to read body temperature as well as verify identities using facial recognition. This two part biometric hardware serves functions that can be applied to any and all locations and businesses.

PrintScan Thermal Scannning

Thermal Scanning

With an ongoing global health crisis, large events, corporate offices, and retail locations need a solution for health verification.

With FaceScan, you get the option to temperature screen employees or patrons, verify identity via facial recognition software, even handle large crowds with heat imaging.

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Print Scan

Who Can Use FaceScan?

Large Stadiums

Temperature screening of large crowds at events

Commercial Buildings

Employee verification and temperature checks

Business Locations

Temperature screening of patrons and customers

Thermal Scanner FaceScan

FaceScan Connection

FaceScan hardware connects right into a turnstile, gate locking systems, and access points. Connections also available to internet devices and local machines

Distance Verification

Distance Verification

FaceScan hardware has the ability to perform facial recognition and thermal imaging from up to 2 feet away. 99.5% accuracy for identity verification and possibility to verify crowds and multiple faces.

FaceScan Stands

FaceScan Stands

FaceScan Features

FaceScan's bio metric thermal scanner comes with a variety of features built into each product.

Temperature Measurement

Accurate body temperature readings in real time.

Facial Recognition

99.5% accuracy readings of the human face.

Employee Verification

Pre uploaded personnel records matched with verification.

No Contact Measurement

2 foot radius of camera facial recognition ability.

Learning Algorithim

Machine learning to verify multiple faces at once.

NFC Reader

Keycard and QR code reader available.